Monday, November 4, 2013

What is your favorite toy?  Ponies

What is your favorite color?  Red

What is your favorite food?  Guacamole

What is your favorite song?  To See the Temple

What do you do outside?  Play outside on trampoline and house and the monkey bars and rings, everything we play at the park.

What is your favorite TV show?  Dora

What do you do in school?  Play in school, play with babies, color, play at kitchen, go on a walk

What do you do in nursery?  Play in nursery, playdough, sing at nursery, marry at temple, I eat goldfish

What do you like do?  I want to eat marshmallows, eat candy, be a princess, dance, get married in the temple

Who do you love?  I love Daddy, he kiss me more, Grandma, Mommy, I love me, I love Jesus remember, I love Logan, I love Errolyn, I love Cameron, I love Carol

Who is Jesus?  Jesus will teach me, Jesus help me and tell me the story

I want to sing!